Cosmetic brow tattooing, also known as microblading, Nano, Ombre or Combination brows, is a semi-permanent makeup procedure aimed at enhancing the shape, fullness, and definition of the eyebrows. Below you will read what's involved in the entire process:

Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with an initial consultation where you discuss your desired brow shape, size, and colour with our cosmetic tattoo artist. During this consultation, the artist assesses your natural brow shape, skin tone, and facial features to determine the most flattering design.

Brow Mapping: Before the actual tattooing begins, our artist meticulously measures and maps out the desired brow shape using specialised tools. This step ensures symmetry and precision in the final result. 

Shaping and Color Selection: Based on your preferences and the artist's expertise, the perfect brow shape and colour are determined by you. The artist may suggest adjustments to achieve the most natural and flattering appearance.

Managing Comfort: To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, a topical numbing cream is applied to the brow area prior to tattooing. This helps minimise any discomfort or pain during the process.

Initial Procedure: Using a handheld tool with fine needles, the artist carefully implants pigment into the skin, creating hair-like strokes that mimic natural brow hairs. The entire process typically takes around 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the design.

Touch-up 4-6 Weeks Later: After the initial procedure, a touch-up session is scheduled 4-6 weeks later. Please note that this requires an additional cost. During this session, the artist evaluates the healed results and makes any necessary adjustments to ensure the brows look perfect. This touch-up session helps the pigment settle into the skin more evenly and enhances the longevity of the results.

Annual Touch-up 12-18 Months for Longevity: While cosmetic brow tattooing is semi-permanent, the pigment gradually fades over time due to factors such as sun exposure, skin type, and individual metabolism. To maintain the desired appearance, clients are encouraged to schedule annual touch-up sessions every 12-18 months. Please note that these sessions require additional costs. During these sessions, the artist refreshes the pigment and makes any necessary adjustments to keep the brows looking vibrant and natural.

Preparation and Aftercare: Before the procedure, our clients are advised to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and blood-thinning medications to minimise bleeding and promote better pigment retention. After the procedure, clients are provided with detailed aftercare instructions, which typically include avoiding excessive sweating, sun exposure, and touching the treated area. Additionally, clients may be advised to apply a healing ointment to the brows to aid in the recovery process.

Commitment to Follow Instructions: Following the artist's aftercare instructions diligently is crucial for optimal healing and long-lasting results. Clients must understand the importance of avoiding certain activities and following the recommended skincare routine to ensure the best outcome.

In summary, cosmetic brow tattooing involves a series of steps, from initial consultation to follow-up touch-up sessions, aimed at achieving natural-looking and long-lasting results. With proper preparation, aftercare, and commitment to following instructions, clients can enjoy beautifully enhanced brows that complement their facial features for months to come.

For pricing look at our bookings page. If you require multiple cosmetic tattoo treatments please look at our packages.