Our massage treatments allow you to unwind, relax the mind and refresh the body.

We’re all about tailored experiences. Our specialised staff focus on providing an exclusive experience for all guests, catering for tailor made pamper packages to align with the wellness journey of each individual. 

Back Neck Shoulder Massage  | Treatment Time Allow 30 mins
Perfect for relieving your body of spot tension, releasing tightness or to re‐energize. Reduces stress and improves muscles tone and circulation, leaving you balanced and calm. Enjoy as an addition to any facial or body treatment.

Purifying Back Ritual | Treatment Time Allow 60 mins
Your body has its own natural method of detoxifying by means of the lymphatic system, but considering the amount of pollutants and stress modern humans are exposed to, the lymphatic system can use some help. This massage treatment begins with a cleansing and invigorating back exfoliation treatment to stimulate lymphatic drainage, boost blood circulation and smooth the skin. We follow with a stress melting massage with our organic body oil and intuitively selected essential oil blend to detoxify, purify and relax.


Full Body Massage  | Treatment Time Allow 60 mins
The perfect way to restore balance and melt away all the stress, this package is guaranteed to leave you feeling blissed out. Luxuriously warmed oils are massaged into the body for maximum relaxation to reduce specific stress and muscle tension.  

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